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  • 6×8 Mobile Coop Galvanized Steel for 20-32 Chickens


    The 6×8 PortA-Coop is made of tough steel that is galvanized to give you a long lasting and tough mobile coop. The mobile chicken coop accommodates up to 20 laying hens or 32…

  • 8x10 mobile coop in pa 8x10 portable coop

    8×10 Mobile Coop


    An 8×10 mobile coop is the perfect fit for farmers or homesteaders looking to increase their current flock size. Now you can raise enough meat birds or eggs to provide for your family…

  • 12x12 steel chicken coops (6) 12x12 steel chicken coops (4)

    12×12 Galvanized Mobile Broiler Coops


    Elevate your poultry care with our 12×12 steel chicken coop, expertly engineered for broilers and turkeys. Built from galvanized steel, this coop is coated with a protective zinc layer to resist rust and…

  • 9x8 Broiler Chicken Coops 9x8 Broiler Coops

    9×8 Broiler Coops


    Our 9 x 8 broiler coop comes with the following features:  Heavy 18oz Tarp Front Mount Handle 1 x 48″ exterior aluminum feeder 1 hanging bell water 8 gallon water tank Ensure that…

  • 8x10 steel chicken coops (3) 8x10 galvanized chicken coops

    8×10 Galvanized Mobile Broiler Coops


    Upgrade your poultry setup with this 8×10 steel chicken coop, designed specifically for broilers or turkeys. Constructed from galvanized steel, this coop features a protective zinc coating that guards against rust and corrosion,…

  • buy a portacoop moveable chicken coop 6x8 mobile chicken house for 30 hens

    6×8 Mobile Coop with Powder Coated Steel for 20-32 Chickens


    The 6×8 PortA-Coop is made of tough steel that is powder coated. The mobile chicken coop accommodates up to 20 laying hens or 32 broiler chickens. It features two wheels that are lifted…

  • 10x12 coop for 60 hens mobile

    10×12 Ranger PortA-Coop


    The 10×12 Ranger PortA-Coop is made of tough steel that is powder coated. The mobile chicken coop accommodates up to 60 laying hens or 80 broiler chickens. It features two wheels that are…

  • 5x10 mobile coop with layers 5x10 mobile chicken coop for sale

    5×10 Mobile Coops


    The 5×10 mobile coop works great for 20 to 25 chickens but also works well with a smaller number of hens. Some folks use it as a backyard chicken coop and it can…

  • 6x8 steel chicken coops (1) 6x8 steel chicken coops (7)

    6×8 Galvanized Mobile Broiler Coops


    Get a coop for your flock of broilers or your turkeys! This 6×8 steel chicken coop is made from galvanized steel, which means it has been coated with a layer of zinc to…

  • The Mini: A 3×4 Chicken Coop for 5 Chickens


    Small but amazing! This 3×4 chicken coop for 5 chickens will keep your chickens healthy and easily move around the backyard in short order. When we designed EggCart’n chicken coops, we built them…

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