4×6 Mobile Coops


The 4×6 mobile coop is the perfect starter coop. This small coop comes standard with a 24″ aluminum roll-away nest box to keep your eggs safe and clean. Whether you want a few ducks, turkeys, or chickens, this is the perfect mobile coop for small-scale farmers, homesteaders, or backyard growers who want to begin raising their own healthy farm fresh eggs or meat! The 4×6 portable coop will house 6-10 chickens or ducks and 6-8 turkeys. 

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FREE 24-inch Nesting Box (with roll-away feature)

FREE Stainless Steel Waterer!!

Chicken Coop Feeder

FREE Stainless Steel Feeder!!

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4x6 Mobile Coops For Chickens

How Many Birds Can the 4×6 Mobile Coop Hold?

While the number of birds each coop can hold may vary based on the breeds, here is a basic guide. Whether you have chickens, ducks, or turkeys, this mobile coop is great for all kinds of birds. The mobility of the coop allows your birds to have access to a fresh grazing area.

man moving coop for 10 chickens edited

A Coop for 6 to 10 Hens

The 4×6 mobile chicken coop is ideal for backyard growers and small farmers who want a predator-free haven for 6 to 10 chickens. It includes a nesting box so your chickens have a place to lay their eggs and allows you to gather the eggs from outside the small chicken coop with ease.

If you need to enter to tend your small flock of chickens, a small flop opens to allow you entry to the mobile coop.

4×6 Mobile Chicken Coop Payback Period

When considering the integration of mobile chicken coops, it’s crucial to highlight the quick and significant savings they can bring to your poultry farming efforts. Like any new idea, it’s essential to recognize the practical benefits that a mobile coop can offer. Before you get started, consider how these mobile chicken coops can help you achieve your poultry farming goals while making more money. Mobile coops are not just a trend, they’re a smart investment to optimize savings and elevate the performance of your poultry farm. 

Here is a cost-profit analysis for a 4×6 mobile chicken coop accommodating 10 chickens. 

Cost to Raise 10 Chickens and Total Net Profit 

Now, let’s determine how much it costs to take care of 10 chickens. This analysis will help in figuring out how much money you can make. After evaluating the gross profit generated from the sale of chickens, the next step involves factoring in all expenses related to raising chickens and subtracting the cost from these costs from the gross profit. The remaining amount after deducting the cost provides insight into the net income you can retain after covering all necessary expenditures.

Note: Detailed calculations aren’t shown.

Gross Income Per Year

Let’s finalize by looking at the annual gross income for a 4×6 mobile chicken coop. According to our calculation, a 4×6 mobile coop has the potential to generate a gross income of $290 per year. This revenue comes from selling eggs, or meat.

Understanding both the gross income and net profit is crucial in chicken farming. Farmers can make informed decisions about expanding their farms, increasing investments, or making their farming process better.

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Assemble Your Mobile Coops in a Few Short Hours

Assembly of the mobile coops will take between 2 and 4 hours. You should plan to have two people available for assembly.

Here is a list of basic tools you might need to assemble your mobile coop

  • Screwdriver – For tightening and attaching screws to hold together panels and components of the coop.
  • Pliers – For holding and manipulating small parts, such as nuts and bolts.
  • Rubber mallet – For gently tapping the components into place without damage.
  • Safety equipment – Equipment such as safety glasses and gloves.
  • Drill – Useful for drilling holes in panels.
  • Measuring tape – Helps with aligning coop components and space correctly.

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